Sunday, April 24, 2016

T.Chesnokova at Ukraine Cup International of Hairdressers!

Hairstyle from T. Chesnokova!

This is how I created my hairstyle.
Wonderful emotions, fascinating communication 
and being inspired by works of world masters
It was cool!(
(T. Chesnokova)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Oxford Day in Kyiv

Denys Byzov, DeNet School teacher of English, has attended sessions organized by Oxford University Press in Kyiv

The 1st session was about Choosing your words carefully

  • How many words do learners need in order to operate effectively in English? 
  • How do we decide which words to prioritize, and in what order to teach them? 
  • How does the careful grading of vocabulary in a text aid learning? 

Caroline Krantz, co-author of Navigate, a unique new course for adults, explored these questions and offered some insight into how the course had been underpinned to ensure learners get the words they need to maximize their progress in English.
She also offered practical suggestions for activities to help adult students learn the vocabulary.

More about Navigate

The 2nd session was about Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: bringing words off the page
Anna Moris, OUP representative in Ukraine, introduced some of the features of the new 9th edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) - book, DVD and new premium website. She demonstrated how the dictionary could be used as much more than just a reference resource. she focused especially on how students could use the new iSpeaker (DVD and website) and Speaking Tutor to improve their speaking skills.

More about Oxford Day in Kyiv

A lot of gratitude to OUP 

for organizing the meeting and 

distributing Navigate text books and 

workbooks as presents!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Denys Byzov at Macmillan Conference

31 March 2016
Macmillan Spring School:
European experience of teaching English/ Європейський досвід викладання англійської мови”
14.30 – 15.30 «Forget me not! How to revise smartly and remember more»
(Тренінг для вчителів середньої та старшої школи, Macmillan ELT тренер Гржегорж Спієвак, Польща)
Робота в групах 15.30 – 16.30, 16.30 – 17.30
«Early teaching of vocabulary and grammar through storytelling»
(Тренінг для вчителів, які навчають англійської дітей від 3 до 5 років, Макміллан ELT тренер Ана Парр – Морджеєвська, Польща)
«Introducing the English world of grammar and vocabulary to the whole class» (Тренінг для вчителів початкової школи, Макміллан ELT тренер Гржегорж Спієвак, Польща)
Місце проведення: м. Київ/Kyiv, вул. Малишка/Malyshko St, 1, готель/Hotel "Братислава/Bratyslava"